Thursday 29 of September, 2016, 12:00hs-Auditorium Building Integrator. Fcq
Contact : +54 351 5353855
Thursday 29 of September, 2016, 12:00hs-Auditorium Building Integrator. Fcq
Specific course for doctoral formation-2016
Monday 19 of September, 2016, 12:00hs – Integrative Building Auditorium. Fcq
By Dr. Ana Belen Elgoyhen, INGEBI-CONICET
This doctoral course of specific training will be dictated from May 2 to 7 2016.
Dr.. Annie Andrieux INSERM in Paris to speak at the lecture series organized by the CIQUIBIC
Monday 13 April the distinguished researcher José Luis Bocco starts Lecture of CIQUIBIC
A space for discussion of developments and ideas in the field of Biological Sciences .
This doctoral course Specific Training, shall be given the 1 to 12 June 2015.
This doctoral course of specific training will be dictated from May 4 to 8 May 2015.