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Third “CIQUIBIC Open Doors Lecture series”

By Dr. Maria Angelica Perillo-IIBYN

Next Wednesday 3 of June, to 11 hours, in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the National University of Cordoba will then Cycle External Researchers Conference "CIQUIBIC Open Doors".

In this opportunity, The conference will be headed by Dr.. Maria Angelica Perillo, Professor of Biological Chemistry (Biological Sciences). FCEFyN, UNC, Principal Investigator of CONICET and Director of the Institute for Biological Research and Technology, IIBYT (CONICET-UNC)

"From water we are" (1). Talks structures: proteins, water and environment.

Classical biochemistry has dealt with the reactions that occur in perfectly homogeneous media and fully diluted conditions. On the contrary, most real systems, such as the cell cytoplasm, environments are heterogeneous and overcrowded macromolecularmente. In them, thermodynamic activity of the solvent and solute are far from ideal states expected to. These heterogeneous environments offer numerous interfaces and dynamic compartments. The confinement of the reactions dimensionally confined space such as a matrix percolation or surface, can cause significant effects on the mechanism and rate of reactions. In these crowded environments, Water, protagonist of the hydrophobic effect that drives protein folding and self-assembly of the components of biomembranes, It has restricted its availability as a solvent.

Framed by these concepts, this seminar results will be presented on the modulation of protein activity, exerted by the dynamic organization changes its molecular environment. This activity involves binding of a ligand (or substrate) and transduction of this union in a function. We will discuss about the dimensionality of the medium and the water structure affecting these phenomena.

(1) "From the water came life. Rivers are the blood that nourishes the earth, and water are made of cells we think, We cry tears and memory that reminds us ". From "The children of the day". Eduardo Galeano.


Design: Jeremías Di Pietro / Graphic design CCT CONICET CORDOBA