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Doctoral Dissertation Defense

Tuesday 20 from December to 2016 to 12:00hs – Integrative Building Auditorium. FcqYou are invited to the oral and public defense of the doctoral thesis work in Chemistry, "Dottore" Francesca Giudice to be held Tuesday 20 from December, 2016, to 12:00hs – Integrative Building Auditorium. Fcq.

"Structural characterization of liposomes and their interaction with amphiphilic molecules of pharmacological interest “

THESIS DIRECTOR: Dr. Maria Laura Fanani


external evaluator:

  • Dr. Monica Pickholz, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Buenos Aires' University

MADE IN: The thesis was conducted at the Department of Biological Chemistry (CIQUIBIC-CONICET), School of Chemistry, UNC.