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“NanoArte. How do we see what the eye does not see?"

popularizing science

Haga click aquí para obtener el libro digital ”NanoArte. How do we see what the eye does not see?" ( ISBN 978-987-688-247-7)

This editorial project, where the researchers from CIQUIBIC, Laura Fanani and Natalia Wilke, have participated, arises with the purpose of generating a space for dissemination on nanoscience and nanotechnology, through the dissemination of images obtained by different modern methods of microscopy. In this book we present, as a sample of the diversity of objects of study in Nanoscience, a set of images of polymers, semiconductor materials, molecular interfaces, carbon-based materials, rock samples from different areas of our country, biological systems, etc. obtained by specialists from various disciplines such as geology, biology, microbiology, chemistry, physics, etc. Also included is a description of how different nanostructures are generated or identified, how they are visualized through the use of different microscopes and what information is obtained when observing them.


Click here to get the digital book: “NanoArte. How do we see what the eye does not see?” ( ISBN 978-987-688-247-7, Spanish only)