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Demise of Dr. Héctor Barra

The CIQUIBIC dismisses one of its founding members

The past 2 December 2016 Dr. fallecío. Hector S. Barra, who collaborate actively with Dr. Caputto in the creation of the Department of Biological Chemistry at UNC laying the groundwork for the creation of our Institute.
The following, extracted from an emotional reminder that can be found on the website of the Faculty of Chemistry (obituary), It represents the feeling of CIQUIBIC: "In cordoba, Argentina and Latin America, Dr. Hector Barra contributed to the improvement and stimulation of research in the field of neurochemistry and biochemistry in general. His many disciples, collaborators, friends and the whole scientific community have the honor at this time to pay tribute sense who dedicated his life, their efforts and dreams to improve from their workplace, our society."