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CIQUIBIC inaugural conference Open

Lecture series of invited researchers

On Wednesday 19 April began the fourth edition of Cycle External Researchers Conference "CIQUIBIC Open Doors" which this year takes place under the centennial of the University Reform of Cordoba.
A roomful, welcoming remarks were given by Dr.. Andrea Smania who highlighted the consolidation of this lecture series as an approach and discussion space for local scientific community. In addition, He called to commemorate and recover the reformist spirit that sustains education as a social good and that calls to continue working to combat their current deterioration affecting the entire community.
Later, Dr.. Smania gave the floor to Ing. Marcos Mur, Syngenta representative of Argentina, who highlighted the role of women in institutions and promoting gender equity supported by the company. Finally, Dr.. Maria Elena Alvarez introduce our guest speaker, Dr.. Paula Casati, highlighting his career and numerous academic achievement.
Dr.. Casati shared with the audience inputs his research group for chromatin remodeling as a key process in the acclimatization of the plants against irradiation with UV-B, focusing particularly on histone acetylation and operation of chaperone proteins histone.

We invite the scientific community, university and the general public to attend the next conference cycle “"CIQUIBIC Open Doors"” by Dr. Victor Rodriguez Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC, to be held next 20 of May.

Design: Jeremías Di Pietro / Graphic design CCT CONICET CORDOBA

On Wednesday April 19th started the fourth edition of the “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series with the conference by Dr. William Wong from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, this year within the framework of the centennial of the University Reform of Cordoba.
Dr. Andrea smania welcomed the large public audience highlighting the consolidation of this Lecture Series as a space for rapprochement and discussion for the local scientific community. In addition, Dr. Smania invited to honor the reformist spirit that holds education as a social good and that calls for further work to combat its current deterioration that affects the entire community.
Subsequently, Ing. Marcos Mur, representative of Syngenta Argentina, who highlighted the important role of women in institutions and the promotion of gender equity supported by the company. Finally, Dr. María Elena Álvarez presented our invited speaker, Dr. Paula Casati, emphasizing her many academic achievements.
Dr. Casati shared with the audience the contributions of her research group about the remodeling of chromatin as a key process in the acclimatization of plants against UV-B irradiation, focusing on acetylation of histones and the functioning of histone chaperone proteins.
We invite the scientific and university community, as wll as the general public, to attend the next conference of the “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series by Dr. Víctor Rodríguez from the Research Center of the School of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC, to be held on May 20th 2018.
This conference was supported by Syngenta Argentina



Design: Jeremías Di Pietro / Graphic design CCT CONICET CORDOBA