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Closing Conference CIQUIBIC Open House 2019

By Dr. Nestor Carrillo, UNR

Next Thursday 28 November at 11 hours, in the Auditorium of the Scientific Technological Center of Cordoba (CCT), close to the Cycle "CIQUIBIC Open Door" will be given. It is recalled that this year, the cycle dictated Dr honoring. Ranwel Caputto, who was founder of the CIQUIBIC and pioneer in the scientific development of our country and our province in particular. For the closing conference we are honored to have Dr.. Nestor Carrillo, Senior Researcher CONICET and professor at the Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical National University of Rosario.

Light + electrons: how plants figure out how come the hand

Plants are immobile, so sensan and face changes in the environment through biochemical responses. sheet, photosynthesis is the central metabolic pathway and a source of information about the conditions under which the plant is. This communication causes retrograde changes in gene expression that facilitate adaptation to a fluctuating environment. Its effects range from biochemical changes point to alterations in plant architecture, reproduction and longevity, involving the expression of thousands of genes. Transmitting signals to the nucleus chloroplast they are little known, chain but photosynthetic, combination with highly reactive intermediaries, antennae and electrons transiting, It is a key player in this process. The introduction of alternative carriers generates new electronic circuits, depending on the site where they act and the redox potential, affect development and environmental responses differently and even opposed. Their combined use with redox biosensors allows functionally dissect the photosynthetic chain actors and correlate phenotypes accurately. This idea-concept is illustrated with some examples. In addition to its biological interest (understand how plants grow) Occasionally these manipulations have the agronomic potential to increase tolerance to adverse environmental conditions.