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Dr review. Maccioni en “Science and Research Reviews”

Journal of the Argentina Association for the Advancement of Science

Disclosure in the journal “Science and Research Reviews”, the Argentina Association for the Advancement of Science (AAPC) us about personal texts describing the scientific achievements of leading researchers in our country, placing them in the context of their private lives and economic situations, social and political where they conducted. In this edition, Association gives a deserved space to Dr. Hugo Maccioni, pioneer member of our institution, first person who recounts his arrival in Córdoba and early biochemical research in Córdoba with Ramon de Torres and, especially, Ranwel Caputto. This is accompanied Review written by Drs Semblanza. Maria E. Alvarez and Jose Luis Daniotti. At link can read the full text designs the influence Dr.. Maccioni has not only for the development of our institution, but also for the science Argentina. To read the full issue of the magazine with the rest of the reviews highlighted in this edition, can follow the link.