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Technological Offer

Institutional Project: Production of biomolecules of therapeutic interest: joint, empowerment and strengthening of multidisciplinary institutional capacities in CIQUIBIC


Institution: CIQUIBIC. Participants: Researchers from CIQUIBIC

Support: $ 1,000,000 / year. Granted by CONICET, starting on March 2017 for 5 years

Aim: As part of the institutional objectives of CIQUIBIC, this Project is directed to strength biotechnology-based interdisciplinary research projects among different groups of the Centre establishing transversal ID+ i nodes. To this end, we have established the following institutional objectives:

Area I: Identification, design, and production of biomolecules with potential use in human health.

Area II: Structural, biochemical and biophysical analysis of biomolecules and development controlled release strategies.

Area III: Activity of biomolecules in cellular-based assays and ex vivo and in vivo animal models.

Scientific and Administrative Council

Consortium for translational exploration in oncology-Córdoba

Aim: Creating an Unit of Research and Clinical Transference in Oncology (UETOC) at the “National Clinical Hospital”, to promote the development of clinical examinations, the transfer of advanced technology with diagnostic use and the development of human resources with a clinical-scientific-asistencial approach which will allow the transference of knowledge into new diagnostic tools to improve steadily the public health system.

Support: Call Project No. 4 Biotechnology Research Projects Translational Argentine Fund Sector (FONARSEC) ANPCyT Awarded by Resolution No. 261/14. Amount: $ 21.5 million pesos

Participating Institutions

  • National Clinical Hospital, National University of Cordoba
  • Foundation for the Advancement in Medicine

Scientific Directors

  • Dr. B.L Caputto and Dr. Germán Gil (CIQUIBIC)
  • Dr. And Dr. Gustavo Chiabrando. Pablo Iribarren (CIBICI)
  • Dr. Maria Elisa Cabalier and Mgr. Cecilia Rodriguez (HNC UNC)
  • Dr. Constancio Giraudo and Dr. Gerardo Gatti (FPM)

Administrative council

  • Technical director: Dr. Enrique Nicolas Fernandez – Oncology Clinical Hospital UNC.
  • Responsible to Dr. Gustavo Chiabrando ANPCYT – CIBICI / College of Chemistry

Current Status: Under development.


Biohem- Blood Products´ Biotechnology (UNC-CONICET)

Aim: Production of recombinant human Factor IX for the treatment of patients suffering from hemophilia B.

Support: Project No. 27. EMPRETECNO program from the Argentine Fund Sector (FONARSEC) and the Support Program for Technology-Based Industries (PAEBT, Sector Biohealth). Granted by ANPCyT (resolution 425/2011 dated November 24, 2011.)

Participating institutions

  • CONICET (CIQUIBIC-CIBICI), National University of Córdoba (UNC, Blood Products Laboratory).

Scientific Directors

Current Status: Under development.