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Award to a scientific work developed in CIQUIBIC

To reserchers from the plant-pathogen interaction group

The work of CIQUIBIC’s researchers Dr. Georgina Fabro, Biol. Yanina Rizzi and Dr. Maria Elena Alvarez recently published in Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions was awarded as the “Editor’s pick” by this prestigious journal. The article was entitled “Arabidopsis proline dehydrogenase contributes to flagellin-mediated PAMP-triggered immunity by affecting RBOHD” (Smith et al., Mol. Plant. Microbe. Interact, 2016, 29:620-8).
The editor in chief of this journal highlighted that the study developed by Fabro and colleagues reveals the effect that processes altering the mitochondrial electron transport chain do have over the establishment of plant defenses against pathogen-derived molecules (PAMPs), with special emphasis on the role of the mitochondrial enzyme proline dehydrogenase. The work was awarded with the cover illustration and has been made available as open access for a limited period of time.
Dr. Fabro and Biol. Rizzi are an Assistant Researcher and a doctoral fellow from CONICET working in Dr. Alvarez’s group, which is focused on the study of the molecular basis of immunity against microbial pathogens in plants.