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Research and diagnosis of cancer in Córdoba

Grant awarded to members of CIQUIBIC

The project seeks to integrate scientific knowledge with clinical and care care by applying some technologies. It is powered by the National Clinical Hospital, two institutes of research Córdoba double dependency (Conicet-UNC), housed in the School of Chemistry at UNC and the Foundation for the Advancement of Medicine. The initiative contemplates applying international standards in performing certain biochemical analysis, creating a tumor bank and search for biomarkers to help detect earlier and more accurately diagnose oncological diseases. In a first step, the focus will be on cases of breast cancer and leukemias.

source UNCIENCIA (see full story)

The project seeks to integrate scientific knowledge with clinical-care through the application of state-of-the-art technologies. It is driven by the “National Clinical Hospital (HNC)” , two research institutes of double-dependence (CONICET-UNC), housed in the College of Chemical Sciences of the UNC and the Foundation for the Advancement of Medicine. The initiative includes implementing international standards for the application of biochemical analysis, the creation of a bank of tumors and the search for biomarkers for the earlier detection and accurate diagnosis of oncological diseases. In the first stage, the focus will be on cases of breast cancer and leukemia.

Source UNCIENCIA (See Complete Information-Spanish only)