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ANC Cultural Lecture 2015

By Dr. Carlos Argaraña, from CIQUIBIC

Dr. Carlos Argaraña give a lecture at the Popular Lecture of the National Academy of Sciences 2015. It will take place on Wednesday 7 October 2015 to 18:30 hs, in the Auditorium of the Academy, Av. Velez Sarsfield 229, City of Córdoba.

Dr. Argaraña is Principal Investigator of CONICET and Professor in the Extra. Biological-Chemical CIQUIBIC, Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Dr. Argaraña our Center investigates the molecular mechanisms involved in the maintenance and diversification of genetic information.

After DNA fingerprinting

Seventy years of DNA, bacteria of the sequencing of the human genome and publishing. Year 1944, where the information is? protein or DNA ? End of war, the decisive breakthrough of physicists in biology. 1953, DNA contention. The triple strand of Pauling and his struggle for peace. Wilkins, Watson, Crick and “photo” de Franklin. Post without experiments (ni reviewers)!: structure prediction …and function ! The club RNA, amino acids, nucleotides and Nobel Awards. Gamow, the bold proposal: proteins from DNA. The other contest, the genetic code. Moscow 1961, the first key deciphered. 1968, Nirenberg's Nobel Prize, society is ready? The dawn of modern biotechnology. Rise and fall “central dogma of biology”.

Dr. Carlos Argañara will give a lecture at the 2015 Cultural Lectures Cycle organized by the National Academy of Sciences. The Lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 18:30 pm, at the Auditorium of the Academy, Av. Velez Sarsfield 229, Cordoba City.
Dr. Argaraña is Principal Researcher of CONICET and Full Professor in the Dpt. of. Biological Chemistry- CIQUIBIC, College of Chemical Sciences, National University of Cordoba. Dr. Argaraña investigates in our Centre the molecular mechanisms involved in the maintenance and diversification of genetic information.

After DNA fingerprinting

Seventy years of DNA, from bacteria to sequencing and edition of human genome and. 1944, where is the information ? proteins or DNA? End of the war, the decisive breakthrough of physicists in biology. 1953, the DNA match. The triple strand of Pauling and his struggle for peace. Wilkins, Watson, Crick and thepictureof Franklin. Publish without experiments (and reviewers) !: structure predictionand function! The RNA club, amino acids, nucleotides and Nobel Prizes. Gamow, the bold proposal: proteins from DNA. The other race, the genetic code. Moscow 1961, the first key deciphered. 1968, Nirenberg’s Nobel Prize, is the society prepared? The dawn of modern biotechnology. Rise and fall of thecentral dogma of biology.

More information

Secretary of the National Academy of Sciences
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