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Opening Lecture 2017 "CIQUIBIC Open Doors" “CIQUIBIC Open Doors Lecture series”

Lecture series of invited researchers

On Wednesday 19 de abril dio comienzo la tercera edición del Ciclo de Conferencias de Investigadores Externos “CIQUIBIC de Puertas Abiertas”. A roomful, la conferencia inaugural estuvo a cargo del Dr. William Wong, Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Fisiología y el Centro para la Investigación en Metabolismo y Obesidad en la Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

The words of welcome were in charge of Dr.. Alicia Degano quien subrayó la importancia de este Ciclo para nuestra Institución y presentó a nuestro disertante invitado, highlighting his career and numerous academic achievement.

Dr. Wang compartió con la audiencia los aportes de su grupo de investigación acerca de la interrelación metabólica entre órganos y tejidos, enfocándose particularmente en la acción de hormonas derivadas de tejido adiposo (CTRPs).

We invite the scientific community, university and the general public to attend the next conference cycle “"CIQUIBIC Open Doors"” by Dr. Alejandro Vila del IBR-CONICET, que se realizara el próximo 17 of May.

On Wednesday April 19th started the 2017 edition of the “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series with the conference by Dr. William Wong from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Dr. Alicia Degano welcomed the large public audience highlighting the importance of this Conference Series for our Institute. Dr. Degano presented our invited speaker, emphasizing his many academic achievements.

Dr. Wong delighted the audience with a summary of the major contributions of his research group about the function of adipose-derived hormones (CTRPs) in controlling sugar and fat metabolism contributing to the complex tissue crosstalk underlying the integrated control of energy metabolism.

We invite the scientific and university community, as well as the general public, to attend the next conference of “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series by Dr. Alejandro Vila from IBR-CONICET, to be held on May 17th 2017.