18/08/2021-10:00 hs. Defense in remote mode
The performance of the oral and public defense of the work of the Doctoral Thesis in Chemical Sciences of the Farm is reported. Christian Javier Muñoz Sosa to be held on the day 1 September at 10:00 HOURS through the ZOOM platform. The dissemination of the video of the dissertation will be visible on the website of the Faculty once it is edited.
"Molecular bases of the interaction of E3 ubiquitin ligase TRIM7 with glycogenin-1 and its potential relevance in the context of glucogenosis tipo XV"
THESIS DIRECTOR: Dr. Maria Elena Carrizo placeholder image
Dr. Susana Genti de Raimondi
Dr. Raúl E. Carbon
Dr. Mario R. Ermacora
MADE IN Department of Biological Chemistry Ranwel Caputto. School of Chemistry. UNC.