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Distinción portada JNC a investigadores del CIQUIBIC

Sosa LJ et al, J Neurochem., 2017



Portada JNC: cono de crecimiento axonal de la neurona del hipocampo Ts65Dn cultivada en laminina y captada por TIRF después del marcaje de filamentos de actina (verde) y APP (rojo).

Artículo completo “The physiological role of the amyloid precursor protein as an adhesion molecule in the developing nervous system” por L. J. Sosa, A. Cáceres, S. Dupraz, M. Oksdath, S. Quiroga y A. Lorenzo (J. Neurochem. 2017, vol. 143 (1), pp. 11-29) en doi: 10.1111 / jnc.14122


Front cover JNC: Axonal growth cone from Ts65Dn hippocampal neuron cultured on laminin and imaged by TIRF after labeling the actin filaments (green) and APP (red).

Read the full article ‘The physiological role of the amyloid precursor protein as an adhesion molecule in the developing nervous system’ by L. J. Sosa, A. Cáceres, S. Dupraz, M. Oksdath, S. Quiroga and A. Lorenzo (J. Neurochem. 2017, vol. 143(1), pp. 11–29) on doi: 10.1111/jnc.14122