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ST4013 Determination of particle size by Laser Light Scattering (Dynamic Light Scattering)

The hydrodynamic radius of the particles present in a colloidal solution can be determined by dynamic scattering of light. (Dynamic light scattering).

The samples (in aqueous or non-aqueous solution) are irradiated by a laser light (632,8 nm). The equipment records the intensity of the light scattered by the particles present. The diameter distribution (assuming a spherical particle) It is modeled by using the equipment's own algorithm. It is possible to describe up to three populations of different size (from 1 nm a 5000 nm). The required sample volume is 300 microliters. This is a non-destructive technique.

We have two different teams to make these determinations:


      NICOMP-Particle Sizing Sytems

For shifts and information contact: Soledad Bazán (