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Fifth 2017 “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lecture Series

Lecture series of external researchers

On Wednesday 13 of September, Dr. Fernando Stefani, CIBION-CONICET, brindó la quinta Conferencia de la edición 2017 "CIQUIBIC Open Doors" “CIQUIBIC Open Door ".

After welcoming remarks by Dr.. Soledad Celej, Dr. José Luis Daniotti presentó a nuestro disertante invitado, highlighting the achievements of their academic career and the excellence of its scientific output.

Ante un auditorio lleno donde también concurrieron integrantes de diferentes Departamentos de nuestra Facultad e Institutos de CONICET de nuestra ciudad, Dr. Stefani compartió los aportes de su grupo de investigación en relación al desarrollo de nanoscopías de fluorescencia y los nuevos desafíos que estos avances permitirán abordar en el campo de las ciencias biológicas. In addition, se refirió a la nueva técnica MINFLUX, la cual tiene la capacidad de obtener imágenes de fluorescencia con resoluciones espaciales de 1 nm detectando un mínimo flujo de fotones y que representa una nueva generación de nanoscopía de fluorescencia.

We invite the scientific community, university and the general public to attend the next conference cycle “"CIQUIBIC Open Doors"” by Dr.. Maria Fabiana Drincovich, Principal Researcher CONICET (CEFOBI-CONICET) y Profesora Titular en la Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina. The conference will be held next 18 de octubre a las 11h en el Auditorio Integrador de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

On Wednesday September 13th, Dr. Fernando Stefani (CIBION-CONICET, Buenos Aires) presented the fifth Conference of the Cycle “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” 2017.

After the welcoming remarks by Dr. Soledad Celej, Dr. Jose Luis Daniotti introduced our invited speaker, emphasizing his many academic achievements and the excellence of his scientific publications.

Dr. Stefani shared with the audience the contributions of his research group in relation to the development of fluorescence nanoscopies and the new challenges that these advances will allow in the field of biological sciences. In addition, he referred to the new MINFLUX technique, which has the ability to obtain fluorescence images with spatial resolutions of 1 nm detecting a minimum flow of photons, representing a new generation of fluorescence nanoscopy.

We invite the scientific and university community, as well as to the general public, to attend the fifth conference of “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series by Dr. Maria Fabiana Drincovich, CONICET Principal Researcher (CEFOBI-CONICET-Rosario) and Full Professor at the College of Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, National University of Rosario, Argentina. The conference will be held on October 18th, 11h at the Auditorium of the College of Chemical Science, National University of Cordoba.