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New “CIQUIBIC Open Doors Lecture series”

Lecture series of invited researchers

On Wednesday 29 of June, Dr.. Ana Belen Elgoyhen, INGEBI-CONICET, Buenos Aires, brindó una nueva Conferencia del Ciclo “CIQUIBIC Open Door ".
Luego de las palabras de bienvenida a cargo de la Dra. Andrea Smania, Dr. Hugo Maccioni presentó a nuestra disertante invitada, highlighting the achievements of their academic career and the excellence of its scientific output.
Dr.. Elgoyhen compartió con la audiencia los aportes de su grupo de investigación en relación a las moléculas que participan de la sinapsis olivococlear localizada en el oido interno. Dr.. Elgoyhen explicó cómo esta sinapsis opera para lograr una sintonización fina del amplificador coclear y la participación del sistema eferente de dicho órgano en la protección frente al trauma producido por sonidos intensos.
We invite the scientific community, university and the general public to attend the next conference cycle “"CIQUIBIC Open Doors"” by Dr.. Raquel Chan del IAL-CONICET, nominada como una de las diez mujeres que lideran la ciencia en América Latina por la BBC, la Unesco y la ONU, entre otros reconocimientos. La conferencia se realizará el próximo 17 de agosto a las 11h en el Auditorio del CCT-Córdoba.

On Wednesday June 29th, Dr. Ana Belen Elgoyhen (INGEBI-CONICET, Buenos Aires) presented a new Conference of the Cycle “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” 2016.
After the welcoming remarks by Dr. Andrea Smania, Dr. Hugo Maccioni presented our invited speaker, emphasizing her many academic achievements and the excellence of her scientific publications.
Dr. Elgoyhen shared with the audience the novel findings made by her research group regarding the molecular players involved in the olivocochlear synapse placed on our inner ear. She explained how the functioning of this synapse allows the fine-tuning of the cochlear amplifier and the participation of the efferent system from this organ in the protection against trauma produced by loud sounds.
We invite the scientific and university community, as well as to the general public, to attend the next conference of “CIQUIBIC Open Doors” Lectures Series by Dr. Raquel Chan from IAL-CONICET, recently nominated as one of the ten leading women in Latin American science by the BBC, UNESCO and the UN. The conference will be held on August 17th, 11h at the Auditorium of CCT-Cordoba.