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Doctoral Dissertation Defense

Monday 12 from December from 2016 to 12:30hs – Integrative Building Auditorium. Fcq

You are invited to the oral and public defense of the doctoral thesis work in Chemical Sciences Lic. Alvaro Nieto to be held on Monday 12 from December, 2016, to 12:30hsIntegrative Building Auditorium. Fcq.

"Regulation of neuronal development by growth factors, “ex vivo” and “in situ” models”

THESIS DIRECTOR: Dr. Santiago Quiroga


external evaluator: Dra Fernanda Ledda. Institute of Cell Biology and Neuroscience. Prof E. De Robertis (IBCN)

MADE IN: The thesis was conducted at the Department of Biological Chemistry (CIQUIBIC-CONICET), School of Chemistry, UNC.