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Comienza la edición 2017 de CIQUIBIC de Puertas Abiertas

Conferencia Inaugural a cargo Dr. G. William Wong, Johns Hopkins University

El próximo miércoles 19 de abril a las 11 horas, en el Auditorio Integrador de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, dará comienzo un nuevo Ciclo de Conferencias de Investigadores Externos “CIQUIBIC de Puertas Abiertas”.

La conferencia inaugural estará a cargo del Dr. G. William Wong, Profesor Asociado en el Departamento de Fisiología y el Centro para la Investigación en Metabolismo y Obesidad en la Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

“Fat Hormones and Energy Balance”

We aim to understand how organs and tissues in the body coordinate the complex metabolic networks and circuitry to maintain proper energy balance, failure of which results in metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Specifically, we focus on elucidating the role of a novel family of adipose-derived hormones (CTRPs) in controlling sugar and fat metabolism. The function of one such hormone (CTRP9) will be presented in greater details to illustrate complex tissue crosstalk underlying the integrated control of energy metabolism.